Register now for the first CEA/AEA Exams for the new 2019 Standards!

The first round of 2019 Standards CEA/AEA exams is open for registration! At this time, only the Multiple-choice portions of CEA & AEA exams are offered: both Res or Nonres New Exams, and Res or Nonres CEA Re-Certifications (for current 2016-Standards CEAs). Be one of the first 2019 CEAs! Register now as SPACE IS LIMITED!

When: Thursday, March 19, 2020, 8am-5pm

Where: CABEC 2020 Conference, at Temecula Creek Inn

(Note: Multiple Choice CEA/AEA Exams ONLY at this date/location)

Click here to register online now!

(If you are a paid CABEC Member, make sure to log in after clicking so that your Membership discounts are automatically applied!)

Other Notes & Details: