CEA Admin Entry Creator


This is where a CABEC admin can create a new, blank CEA profile — it will contain your name until you edit it Res / NR) or (preferred) create it as a website user. To do so:

  1. click Switch to User in top admin bar, enter username (usually firstlast, but check in Members List), click submit, when name appears, click it)
  2. when this page reloads, click the button for the Res or NR Cert you want to create. Defaults to 2019, Prospective, etc.
    • (note that when it is created, any info from 2013 entries that already exist will populate certain empty fields, like Unique ID — I’ll try to prevent this soon)
  3. you will be redirected to an error page (“as” the user) — scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Switch back to…” and the Admin CEA Lookup will reappear, sorted by most recent Prospective entries, ready to edit.

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Note that over time, the amount of up-front customization you can do here may increase.

©2025 CABEC (California Association of Building Energy Consultants), 501(c)(6), and CABEC Advantage, 501(c)(3)

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