greenTHINK Radio Episodes at CABEC Energy Oasis 2017 Conference



The greenTHINK program aims to inspire interest in the science and solutions associated with our changing climate. greenTHINK will present current innovations, anecdotes and theories in a light-hearted and entertaining way. Green education materials, interviews with Green guests, discussions of State initiatives and on and off campus Green events, will be used to promote hands on learning experiences for students and listeners.

In greenTHINK Episode 18: Portable Renewable Solutions: On and Off the Grid, Tracy interviews a Renewables Technician who opens the door to a new way of transporting energy. George Suarez, Technical Product Manager for COD’s Energy Partner JLM Energy – Also she brings you CABEC’s conference highlights from not only her point of view but she catches up for a brief word with Jon Caffery, Director of Prop 39 allocations and Director of COD’s breakthrough Energy program: BESP. Building and Energy Systems Professionals Program.

In greenTHINK Episode 19: Energy Profiles – CABEC Conference, Tracy has special guest Jon Caffery, who is managing the Energy Program under Proposition 39 – here at College of the Desert. Prop 39 is funding Energy Systems curriculum at Several Community Colleges throughout Riverside County. Meeting up with Jon at Palm Springs’ CABEC Conference he gives her the inside track on pinpointing Energy Industry success using Building and Energy Systems Professional’s Certification program. “greenTHINK’s Energy Corner” takes on the Liebert Chiller’s Phase 4 install w/ colorful commentary from Master HVAC Technicial Dan Benke.


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