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California Savings By Design Program
For any C.E.A. doing LEED work or other Non-Residential Projects, there is a companion program that will reward incentive monies to both the owner and design team for designing above code energy efficient buildings.
Savings By Design (SBD) is California’s nonresidential new construction energy efficiency (EE) program, administered statewide and funded by Utility customers through the Public Purpose Programs surcharge applied to gas and electric services. This program offers both Owners and Design Teams incentive reward monies for designing a building that is 10% or more than the 2016 energy code regulations.
These are the participating utilities:
• Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E)
• Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
• San Diego Gas And Electric (SDG&E)
• Southern California Edison (SCE)
• Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP)
The Design Team (Energy Consultant) is rewarded 1/3 of the owner incentive. This affords a terrific opportunity for C.E.A.
- Competency 5: Interpreting energy performance results and making design recommendations
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