CEA Admin Lookup Page
These are pages that are in testing mode, and are not available in the navigation menu:
Res CEA Admin Lookup
Here CABEC Admins can search for, view AND edit details for, and delete Residential CEA entries for all Standards Years. (Click for Nonres / Click for CEUs) Clicking Edit and then clicking Update on any CEA profile with a “Current” Status will copy and over-write the user’s existing CEA info on their Profile page (use...
Nonres CEA Admin Lookup
Here CABEC Admins can search for, view AND edit details for, and delete Nonresidential CEA entries for all Standards Years. (Click for Res / Click for CEUs) Clicking Edit and then clicking Update on any CEA profile with a “Current” Status will copy and over-write the user’s existing CEA info on their Profile page (use to...
CEU Admin Lookup
Here CABEC Admins can search for, view AND edit details for CEU entries for all Standards Years. (Click for Res / Click for Nonres) If an entry needs to be deleted, there is a delete button in the bottom right when you click to edit it. Search Entries: CEU Year 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 Instructor/Trainer...
CEA Admin Entry Creator
Instructions: This is where a CABEC admin can create a new, blank CEA profile -- it will contain your name until you edit it Res / NR) or (preferred) create it as a website user. To do so: click Switch to User in top admin bar, enter username (usually firstlast, but check in Members List), click submit, when name appears,...