CABEC Brown Bag Webinar, Sept. 28, 2016: AquaChill & SmartVent Systems



AquaChill is a water-assisted air conditioner that provides homeowners with superior cooling and more energy efficiency as compared to a conventional air-cooled air conditioner. AquaChill uses air and water to cool the condenser coil, allowing it to operate at high efficiency, even when the temperature outside tips 110 degrees F.

Smartvent Brings In Outside Air for Natural Cooling
With SmartVent you will get fresh air inside your home and improved air quality all year long. This patented controller works with your existing heating and air conditioning system to circulate filtered, free, cool outdoor air throughout the house – automatically.
How do they work?
What are the benefits?
What is the T24 impact?
What are the costs?
How do they operate?

This Brown Bag is interactive and allows members an opportunity for questions and discussions regarding the AquaChill and Smartvent systems.

Note: This presentation is Free for CABEC Members, $10 for non-Members.

Additional information


9/14/16, 9/28/16, 10/14/16

©2025 CABEC (California Association of Building Energy Consultants), 501(c)(6), and CABEC Advantage, 501(c)(3)

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